Converting your sales business to a referral-based model requires you to rethink and rework your mindset. You must become thoroughly immersed in the referral-selling model. Your clients and prospects must believe that your business is built on referrals, and for them to take your statements and proclamations of being referral-based seriously, you must project the professional attitude of a referral-based salesperson. In other words, you must act the part to become the part.
This acting the part to become the part is more difficult than it may sound. It requires that you completely buy-in to the idea that your business is built on referralseven if at this point in time you receive few referrals. It requires you to retune your thinking so that everything you do and say conveys your referral-based business.
Why is it so important that you retrain your mind to think as a referral based salesperson? Simply because generating a large number of highly qualified referrals is a process that begins from the moment you first meet a prospect and continues throughout the relationshiphopefully for years. In addition, as mentioned previously, the prospect and client must take...