Developing strength and improving the height of leg in a developp.
So many girls have good flexibility when stretching, but find it hard to use this when dancing, especially with a developp. If you simply practise the step over and over, often the result is bulky thighs, with not a lot of increase in range. This will happen if you are trying to use the front of the leg to lift, rather than controlling the leg from the hip. Many girls try to improve the height of the leg by training with weights. This is not recommended, as the dancer simply learns to use the muscles that are already working more, rather than discovering the true turnout muscles, and the smaller muscles required to stabilize the leg en lair.
Here is a simple exercise to increase the range of your developp devant.
To work out all the true muscles needed to work the leg devant, lie on your back, with your legs out straight and your hands on your hips.
Slowly pull the foot up into a retire position (feel your inner thighs working!).
Make sure that the hips stay square, and dont hitch or twist!
Slowly unfold the leg as for a developp devant working on controlling the turnout...