If you manage others, one of your most important roles will be to develop the resources that you have under you and that includes the people themselves. Here is a 6-step guide to how to develop people through delegation.
1. Kindle The Inner Spirit. The first step in developing others is the belief that everyone in the team is capable of growth and development. We demonstrate that belief by being genuinely interested in what they are doing and helping them discover ways in which they can build on their strengths. In this way, developmental opportunities open up almost by themselves. In everyones life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flames by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who re-kindle the inner spirit. (Albert Schweitzer)
2. Get To Know Your Teams Strengths. The biggest disasters in people management arise when we fail to recognize the natural abilities of our team. Its what happened to Rabbit when he went to school.
When Rabbit first went to school, he was delighted with what the instructor told him. “Rabbit, you have fine legs. You hop well, spring well...