Characterized as a movement disorder, Parkinsons disease often is accompanied by muscle stiffness, a slowing or loss of physical movement, tremor, etc. In addition, Parkinsons disease may carry symptoms that include mood swings (i.e., depression, anxiety, panic attacks, apathy, etc.), changes in behavior, sensations (i.e., arms, legs, hands, etc.) and the ability to process thoughts. Because each case of Parkinsons disease is unique to the individual it affects, the symptoms may vary from one person to another.
There are several treatment options available to patients who suffer from Parkinsons disease, including medication that may help to ease the symptoms, surgical procedures, a customized diet consisting of nutrition and exercise. Clinical research indicates that nutrients may help to treat Parkinsons disease and may even help to slow its deteriorating effects. Certain types of physical activities, including yoga and dance are believed to be beneficial in helping to maintain mobility and may ease the discomfort associated with muscle stiffness caused by Parkinsons disease.
Certain types of medication, including those prescribed for treatment of Parkinsons...