Remember what it was like when you were a child and you wanted something? What did you do? I am willing to wager that you simply asked for it. In fact if you wanted something bad enough, I would bet that you asked and asked and asked. In fact you may have even claimed it when you were asking. If you have children now, I would like you to notice what they do when they want something. They ask for it. Often they even get what they ask for.
Why is it that as adults, we forget to ask for what we want or need? Is it that because when we were children, we asked and were told ” No you can’t have that?” Is it because we are simply afraid that we will be told NO?
Now I am going to really stretch out here, stay with me.
At networking meetings I used to host we were holding finalist drawings at each meeting for a trip to the Cayman Islands. There were a few people who were winning these drawings a lot. Why was that? Is it because they were asking for it, or was it because they were claiming it? The answer is both.
A during the length of the contest, I had a discussion with a few people about a phenomenon that I had experienced many times at...