Following is a real life account of an obese person who was about to die due to his overweight and related diseases. The story is how he got rid of the problem of obesity. We are bringing the story here with the hope that definitely the story will encourage people to lose extra weight and become disease free. Let us read the story in his own words.
Hello! I am an ordinary citizen and actually no story is generally written by any one about an ordinary person like me. However still I am writing my experience with the hope that this may encourage others to fight the curse of obesity.
Even a few years back, I was an obese person. Actually my obesity started from my child hood. It is true that 40 percent of teen age boys and girls in America are overweight and obese. I was also among one of them during my childhood.
My body weight continued to increase abnormally compared to my age and height as I grew older. At my age below 25, my body weight increased to an alarming level. This overweight made me slow, not so smart and lazy. I felt always difficulty in breathing. My blood pressure increased unnecessarily. Also there were some symptoms of type-2 diabetes in my...