Dietary guidelines for adults 2 is, naturally, a follow up to article 1, and focuses on what foods constitute a good diet where article 1 focused upon why we need a good diet. My approach is that food should be fun because most health food aficionados that I know dont seem to smile too often and therefore I dont hold them up as good examples. Eating is a major part of life and life should be fun; if we only get one life whats the point in being miserable? The challenge for healthy eating is to make healthy food fun to eat and reward yourself occasionally with a treat and to heck with the diet.
We need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, dairy products and drink plenty of water to have a perfect diet. We also have to accept that certain people have allergies. The most common allergies are dairy products and nuts. Just because you have an allergy you shouldnt use it as an excuse not to eat a healthy diet; if you cant eat nuts eat more fruit or vegetables to compensate. Using a little common sense will overcome all perceived obstacles. Once you have a diet based upon healthy foods you can add a few luxuries like chocolate and ice cream providing it is...