If youre a new parent looking for bed supplies for your new baby, youll likely wonder whether you should buy a cradle or a bassinet. And then youll ask yourself what the differences are between a bassinet and a cradle. Many people tend to lump the two together, but there are some differences that new parents should be aware of.
Much of the time, bassinets are made of natural fibers like wicker and tend to be more portable than cradles. Bassinets are great for parents who travel a lot, live in a house with more than one floor, or are very active. In addition, they are usually smaller and lighter than a cradle, but the sizes do vary. Bassinet bedding can either be purchased or custom made to fit the requirements and tastes of the parents; new parents need to be aware that though there are similarities between Bassinets and cradles, they take different mattresses, sheets, and bedding.
Cradles are usually larger than bassinets and more stationary. They are usually made of wood and manufactured materials. Cradles come in many forms and with differing functions. There is a portable cradle that is smaller and more manageable that you can...