This article will give you a few different indications of student credit cards which you can look into. There are many companies which will work with you being a student and having new credit should not be an obstacle. Most credit card companies will not work as readily with potential customers who don’t have a credit history. If you apply for store credit cards and do not have any credit, you will most likely get turned down. When you look into different student credit cards, there are certain features which you will want to look into.
The first factor when looking into different student credit cards is the annual percentage rate. Any credit card which you do not pay off every month will charge you a finance charge every month. The amount which you will be charged for finance charges is based off of the annual percentage rate which is included in the disclosures you receive when first opening the credit card. Look to get the lowest interest rate that you can possible receive. One possible option which you can receive is six months with zero percent APR. This means that you will not be charged for the first six months of interest. If you need to get your car fixed...