If you are thinking of starting a business in the UK, there are several different options when it comes to the type of phone number that you choose. In the US, businesses are usually given phone numbers that have the same properties as residential numbers (the notable exceptions being toll calls and 1-800 toll free calls). In the UK, business owners can choose a phone number type based on their individual needs.
The type of phone numbers to choose from are the 0800 and 0808 numbers, the 0844 Rate 5ppm numbers, 0845 numbers, 0870 numbers, 0871 Rate 10ppm numbers, UK Regional numbers and Premium rate numbers.
Many Businesses take advantage of these phone numbers as they can be very cost effective, which is every businesses main priority.
0800 and 0808 numbers are also known as free phone numbers. This means that the person who calls the number will not be charged for the time spent on the phone. Depending on what calling company you choose to go with, this can be available both with and without various services.
0844 Rate 5ppm numbers are numbers that charge callers 5ppm. This rate can change depending on the telephone service company that the caller...