Whether you are a college student or the parent of a college student, you may have started looking at various types of credit cards for college students. Having a credit card while in college is almost a necessity. Generally, college students do not have much money to spare since they are attending school. Therefore, they need to rely on their parent’s financial support or they have to borrow money from a credit card while in school and then pay the borrowed money back later. To choose the right student credit card, however, it is important to understand the differences between different credit cards and the benefits and drawbacks to both.
Unsecured Student Credit Cards
Unsecured student credit cards are those that extend a line of credit to the cardholder. Therefore, you can spend money with the card as a loan and pay the money back later. Since college students tend to have very little credit history, it can be difficult to get a credit card. Obviously, most credit card companies prefer to extend a line of credit to someone with a proven history of paying back loans.
Fortunately, there are a number of credit cards that cater specifically to...