Dual diagnosis is defined as the recognition of two possible reasons for a person to behave as so. It is a diagnosis of mental illness and disorders combined with substance or alcohol abuse and addictions. Out of two million Americans, there are about fifty percent that is suffering with sever mental illness and abusive use of illicit substances and drugs. The problem counts as this if there are two or more kinds of reasons to explain a persons behavior, how can someone predict the most accurate diagnosis?
Professional counselors and psychologists are having difficulties in diagnosing accurately a persons behavior because of the person having mental illness being involved in alcoholism and drug addiction. Abusive use of any substance for that matter can mask, aggravate and even mimic various disorders of the mind.
It is known that one of the most obvious sidekicks of mental disorders is alcohol and drug dependence. With alcoholics, there are overlapping tendencies to mental illnesses and other substances. Dependence with particular substances can cover serious problems pertaining to psychiatric illnesses. On the other hand, depression has the capability to...