White Sail Level I – Section 1 covers safety with a look at lifejackets, actions to be followed immediately after a capsize and how to right a capsized boat. And the required items for a sailboat less than 5.5 meters long as outlined in the current Boating Safety Guide. Section 2 is Seamanship, Candidates must be able to tie 4 knots within a certain time and describe their uses. And describe four ways to identify from what direction the wind is blowing. Section three deals with preparation to sail including coiling a line correctly, making a line fast to a cleat and getting in and out of a boat safely at a dock or mooring. Section 4 looks at rigging, attaching sails, rigging sheets and halyards, fitting sail battens and the rudder and tiller, adjusting the centerboard and hoisting sails. Section 5 covers boat handling, firstly identifying the direction of the wind then while underway to keeping the sail just on the point of luffing while on a reach, keeping a boat going in a straight line on a reach for at least two minutes and righting a capsized boat and clearing it of water. The final section deals with securing and derigging, securing by the bow only, by the bow and...