Direct Mail Costs The Biggest Expense Is Lack Of Testing
Direct mail costs can be high when there is no definite strategy outlined. However theres one things that makes it such a reliable method for bringing in new business, and thats the ability to test different versions of your sales offer, package and everything else involved.
If you really want to kill your direct mail business, dont test. When people complain about the direct mail costs, they are not considering the expense of NOT testing. You need to know what is the cost of acquiring a new customer. That will give you much more flexibility when marketing and testing. If your cost per acquisition is low, then you have more money to invest in marketing and testing new methods that you would have otherwise not considered.
You can decrease your direct mail costs by applying a little common sense and simply by testing which produces the best response. Lets take a look at everything that makes up the direct mail piece the envelope, a personalized sales letter, the brochure, an order form, the reply envelope and lastly the data.
The most important of all these is the data. Which is your mailing...