When it comes to the art of booking, theres a new twist on an old saying Give a Direct Seller a show and she has income for a day. Teach a Direct Seller to book a show and she has income for a life time! That is why successful Direct Sellers take time to learn the art of understanding and addressing the concerns of potential hostesses and customers.
Whether our intent is to schedule a sales appointment, a group demonstration or an opportunity interview, all direct sellers must learn to effectively ask for what they want on a regular basis. But thats just the beginning, isnt it? Acknowledging that you will, with certainty, encounter natural consumer resistance to your offer is important to building a thriving direct selling business. So lets take a look at some ways you can address common booking concerns in a natural, more comfortable way.
Identify Common Concerns
Experts say there are no more than six common concerns to every selling situation. On a piece of paper, write down the most common concerns you face in your business on a regular basis. Your goal is to be prepared with one or more possible responses to each of these common concerns. Many companies...