Since search engine optimization plays such a huge role in the success of web sites, web masters are constantly looking for ways of giving their site a leg-up on the competition. They want to find and use any technique to get their site listed as quickly and as highly as possible on search engines. One highly effective technique that is often overlooked is directory submission. This technique is a great way of achieving one way link building.
So how do you effectively do directory submission? Well, it’s not something that is overly easy, but if you know what to do, it’ll be as quick and painless as possible. The how-tos are covered in this article on directory submission.
Why Directory Submission?
With the popularity of search engine spiders, computer programs which automatically browse the web looking for sites to add to a search engine, people would think that manual directory submission is no good anymore. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Directory submission is a great tool for web masters. Popular sites like MSN and Yahoo still use directories and users who are looking for sites within a specific genre often...