If you get what you pay for, anything free must not be worth much. This is as true for free Web hosting services as any other commodity. A free Web host may or may not provide the required level of reliability. Therefore extreme caution must be taken when choosing a free Web host.
There are several restrictions likely to appear. These include:
1. Advertisements, potentially those of competing Web sites, may be placed upon any site they host. This is a common source of revenue for a free host. These advertisements prove to be an irritant for many customers who may not like their browsing experience to be affected by these ads.
2. There may be little to no support with a free hosting plan. Sometimes only a FAQ page is offered as support. There may be no chance for change or correction of problems even when a complaint is filed.
3. The host may suffer frequent server breakdowns. There may be insufficient bandwidth to support the Web site’s needs. There may be no scalability. There may be thousands of other Web sites competing for the same server resources. This “death of a thousand paper cuts” result in hosts that look good at first...