When you are using prepaid credit cards and enjoying all the advantages offered by it you should also be aware of the disadvantages associated to it. So you need to go through these aspects and make better decisions while using these cards.
When you use prepaid credit cards online, it is also important that you are aware of where you are shopping because some websites can befool you and you may pay for the products and services that you dont receive. Therefore shopping online using prepaid cards without having sufficient security information about the website is not advisable.
In case you go out for shopping you should check the balance of your credit card so that you are sure enough of getting what you want. You need not stand in a long queue waiting to buy something and when you get to the cashier you realize that you dont have the enough money could lead into humiliation and frustration.
Another disadvantage of using prepaid credit card unlike cash is that there is no way for you to look in your wallet to check how much you have to spend and it becomes important to go online and check your balance and transactions. Another disadvantage is that many...