If you are looking for a bargain on a pool table, you can find one fairly easily. Your local newspapers will often have classified listings for pool tables, also Check listings of liquidation or closeout sales, auctions of items from bankrupted businesses or auctions of property seized from storage units where the rent has not been paid, and so on. Have some patience and keep your eyes open and you might be able to get here you might be able to acquire a nearly new billiard table for a fraction of its value.
Prices of billiard tables can be discounted for a variety of reasons. It may be that the manufacturer has decided to stop making a particular model; or perhaps there is an overstock of a particular table because of overproduction. It might be that the manufacturer has a cash flow problem and needs to move some table fast. You can buy these discounted tables from manufacturers or from third-party retailers.
Another great place to buy discount pool tables is eBay. Go to that website and enter pool tables or “billiards” into the search field. Browse through the listings. You can purchase billiard tables, or pool table lights for your game room, there...