I dont think there is a single lady who wouldnt want to have her very own designer handbag or handbags (should I say). With many celebrities and famous people carrying them around, many women would want to be seen carrying them too. Despite the expensive price that comes with these designer labels, they are but the rage among women of different ages from the teens and even among the oldies. Others are even making collections out of them. You can choose from the top selling designer handbags like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Coach, Burberry, Hermes, Kate Spade and a whole lot more. You will notice that the different designers make their bags distinct with their unique logo or symbol.
With the hefty price tag that accompanies these expensive designer bags some of us may not be willing to shell out such an amount especially if we dont earn that much money. While you may find abounding in the market many merchants offering knockoffs or replicas, others do not find it comfortable to be buying fake handbags let alone be seen to be carrying them.
For those of you who are concerned about the expensive prices of these designer handbags, there are several alternatives for...