A credit card consolidation program is an attempt to help you improve your credit history. The repayments you make on your earlier debts determine your credit worthiness. It is also an indicator of the willingness and affordability of an individual to the lenders who decide the credit limit they’ll make available.
Poor credit history has many repercussions for borrowers. However, a poor credit rating can be reversed with a few timely repayments. The best way to be in the good books of lenders is to regularly pay bills on time and not accumulate more debt. If your credit scores are not so perfect and you already have a bad rating from the credit bureaux then it will take effort, time and patience to turn them around into good credit scores.
BEWARE. A credit card consolidation company can also ruin your credit, and make your situation ten times worse.
– They may not make your payments to your creditors on time;
– They may charge high fees;
– The fact you’re using one will show up on your credit record, and
– Using one may leave you feeling you can now run up MORE debt, with impunity.
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