Were you aware your personal credit report can be the determining factor in your getting a job? Did you know your private credit report can cause your personal auto and life insurance rates to go up? Just for your information it can also stop you from being insured.
Now did that get your attention? If it didn’t you have to be asleep at the wheel. Read on to discover other tips about your personal credit report you may not have known.
Most people understand what a personal credit report is. However, most people don’t realize the number of companies and government agencies which have access to your credit information. Not only do they have access to it; they use your credit history to make decisions, which can affect you for the rest of your life or at least in the foreseeable future.
One of the companies that will access your credit report is the insurance companies. You may not know it but when you complete an insurance application and sign it; in most cases you are giving them authority to check your credit history. Depending on what the insurance companys standards are, your credit score and credit history may keep you from being insured or...