Do you ever feel stuck? Perhaps you don’t have the job you want, or the relationship, or the financial situation. You probably know what it is that you don’t want, but have you ever taken the time to figure out what it is that you do want?
Rather than answer with generalities like a job that “pays more” or “is closer to home” or “to find your soulmate” or “to be rich”, think about being as specific as possible. What does your ideal life look like? What would you need in you life for it to be more fulfilling and meaningful?
To put it in a slightly different light, if you win the lottery tomorrow and suddenly, you’re a multimillionaire, what will you do with the rest of your life? Will you continue working at your job? Will you spend more time with your family or travel the world? Will you start your own business or spend more time with your hobbies?
Take some time to dream about the possibilities. Then, take out a piece of paper and write down your dream in vivid detail.
Now, take a few moments to write down a list of the things that are most important to you in your life. What gets...