Have you ever spent countless minutes, hours and even days searching for something you misplaced?
Have you even had an argument with someone you live with for misplacing something of his or hers?
Have you ever missed an appointment because you forgot?
Have you ever been halfway to your destination and remembered you didnt bring what you needed?
Do you have piles of papers, unopened and opened mail that you will get to someday?
Do you have that nagging notion constantly telling you to get organized?
Have you read books and/or articles on how to get organized?
Have you purchased organizational aids to help you and then never used them?
If you answered yes to even one of these questions, obviously you are not organized to the point you want to be. There is a very simple solution to this problem. I am sure you are thinking, Yeah, right. You have tried everything and nothing has worked so far. I have a tried and proven method to get you organized and eliminate all that wasted time spent trying to get organized. I know there are countless books on the subject. I know you can spend money on books, CDs, videos and even go to courses...