Home schooling is in demand nowadays. You might be thinking of home school for your child. There are a lot of reasons why you should educate your child at home. Although this decision may not be an easy one, it may be something to consider. There are questions that need to be discussed and there are also some already answered for you. Before you can make this very important decision for your childs education, you should think long and hard and get all the answers to your questions.
What are the benefits of home schooling? Here are a few:
First, your child will get all the attention and that attention will come from you. Although this depends on the childs level of studying, he or she should be comfortable at home. You can have all his time and control his studies. Sometimes, children in school dont pay enough attention to their teachers because they want their mommies to guide them. Some dont trust their teachers and will not take their word. Friends and playmates may distract his learning process. All the issues your child experiences in a large class will vanish forever with home schooling.
Of course you know your child better than others do. You will...