Discovering The Weak Link: Optimizing Your Commercial Real Estate Investment Strategy
Being an investor is a lot like owning your own business. You have money and people to manage, important financial decisions to make, and systems that represent your strategy. While these assets and operations result in successful and profitable deals, there are always problems arising, just like in a normal business, that can slow down productivity and progress of whatever activity is currently in motion.
A problem with many investors is that they do not view their process as a business. They do not have a company name or multiple teams working below them. They do not have business rules, regulations, checks and balances, or protocol for the people they work with. However, the truth is, commercial real estate investing, no matter how small, is a business all itself. In order to optimize this fact, one should follow proven business strategy that allows great companies to flourish with very little constraint or pain.
A very important theory that is used not only in business, but in science, politics, sports, and even everyday life is the Theory of Constraints. This theory...