So let’s talk about the 3 basic fundamentals of computer speed those 3 basic fundamentals are connection hardware and software. These areas are all there really is to the slowing down of computer speed or more importantly the speeding up of your computer. Your computer speed stops and slows down when you have a bad connection or when you have slow or old or bad hardware orwhen you have software that is some how not optimized properly or that in not running properly or that just takesup too much of your computer memory reserves. So those arethe 3 areas that are the fundamentals of computer speed.
They are where your speed comes from and they are where your speed falls apart. Looking at fundamentals and knowing these fundamentals make it easier for you to understand and just how to improve computer speed. This brings out one of the missing links and opens up one of the biggest problems when it comes to computer speed and that is most of the people addressing computer speed are only looking at one of these areas.
When I looked for the fundamental of computer speed using a research technique called the stable datum I found that there is really nothing else in a...