For all those who take up the under sea challenge there is always the distinct possibility that you will one day encounter a shark. Sharks are the top of the food chain in the oceans and seas and they have been around for millions of years and adapted to the conditions over time.
As a good introduction and part of diver training should be more about interacting with sea creatures and to understand not to damage their environment. The are many places within the UK and Europe where you can visit large Aquarium tanks and take part in shark encounters.
The large aquariums tanks have mainly Nurse sharks and Sand tiger type sharks in the nurse sharks are the ones that like to sit on the bottom and not move, unless of course you wave a nice piece of squid at them and they take that and eat it quite quickly.
The sand tiger shark have lots of sticky out sharp teeth and look fairly aggressive but are mainly docile and they are night feeders so when most people see them in aquariums they seem to be cruising and not feeding.
As a Diver I think, as part of the essential training should be to do one of these shark dives if you intend to go diving in seas and...