It is a little known fact that birth control medications rely heavily on the body’s natural biochemistry. A large number of pharmaceutical birth control products work by affecting the chemical or hormonal balance of the body to prevent pregnancy. While most of these medications are designed to be able to work despite the multitude of variables that cannot be fully accounted for in the body, that doesn’t mean that they work no matter what. In particular, the drug interaction between antibiotics and birth control pills has been noted to be rather antagonistic towards one another. A number of antibiotics have been noted to interfere with how some birth control methods work, though other types of contraceptive pills work just fine. It is currently believed that something about the way antibiotics and birth control medications work is making them incompatible with one another on a chemical level, though it is still unknown what.
It should be noted that only one antibiotic has been definitively proven to reduce the effective abilities of birth control medication. Though this declaration was made by the Mayo Clinic, one of the most respected health care institutions...