Remember what your brand new carpet looked like when you first had it installed? Frustrated that only a short time later it looks like it needs to be replaced again?
Keeping your carpet clean and looking new is no longer an easy job.
To get the most wear out of your carpet, use the following do-it-yourself carpet cleaning tips.
Regular upkeep is vital to the life of your carpet. By vacuuming your carpet weekly and not allowing shoes to be worn in your house, you can extend the life of your carpet by five years or more. Vacuuming regularly keeps dirt and grime from becoming ground in to the carpet fibers. Allowing only socks or slippers on your carpet keeps it from becoming soiled by hard to remove stains such as mud and oils.
If your carpet does become stained or overly dirty, there are numerous homemade products and easy carpet cleaning tips that you can use to make it look new again.
When cleaning the entire carpeted area, always use a warm water solution. The warm water allows the grime and oils to be broken down more quickly and completely. For the cleaning solution you can use any of the numerous commercial products available but a simple...