Good credit is key to economic success. You may not give to much thought to your credit report, but good credit lets you do a lot of things that most people take for granted: get a credit card, rental a car, obtain a loan, or even get an apartment. Missed payments to a creditor, or defaulting on a loan altogether, creates black marks that are recorded on your credit report when your creditor reports them to a credit bureau. Too many missed payments or defaulted loans will leave you with no option but to start the credit repair process, otherwise, your applications for credit cards or other loans will be turned down consistently until you do.
A quick search in the classified ads or on the internet for credit repair will give you tons of offers from credit repair companies offering a quick fix to your credit problems. Most of these companies have aggressive marketing strategies that promise to fix your credit report fast for a nominal fee. Be very cautious with these companies and deal with them at your own risk many are not only scams, but also in most cases you can fix your own credit more effectively by doing it yourself.
Remember: there is nothing a credit...