I received an e-mail from someone this week, and it became apparent to me that he simply didn’t believe that he could make anything work… He didn’t believe that he could start making the money that he told me he wanted to make…
He WANTED to make it, but he didn’t BELIEVE he could!
I’m a strong believer in the saying that you are where you want to be… For example, you live where you do because you choose to, and you earn as much as you do because thats what youve chosen to earn…
‘Hold on! I want to earn more than I do at the moment…’ I hear you cry!!
Well, Ive been there too and unless I changed my belief and my habits (good or bad)… nothing was ever going to change.
Indeed, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results…
So, how did I, and how do you, make changes to what we believe… and, in turn, what we achieve?
Well, for me, I didnt believe that I should live in a large house, drive a sports car, or even work for myself. So, if I believed that… I certainly wasn’t going to...