It might be amusing to watch the squirrels scurrying round the park, they seem so tame theyll almost take food out of your hand, but these cute little bushy tailed creatures are actually one of five of the most common pests and can cause thousands of pounds worth of damage if they get into your house. They will chew furniture and break your precious ornaments.
When it comes to insurance, Saga Insurance policies cover damage done by squirrels in all its household policies. Its cover-plus policy also offers protection from all vermin damage. Even the less friendly looking ones.
Surprisingly enough, hardly any policies cover vermin damage, although most insurers would cover subsequent damage if, for example, a fire was started as a result of vermin chewing through a wire. There are lots of examples of extreme damage and theres a case where the upper storey of a house collapsed because rats had chewed through the joists.
There is a company who offer a pest control product as an add-on to their home insurance. It costs 21.99 per year and could save up to 150 by removing the infestation and giving advice on how to avoid problems in the future. The company is...