You are at right site, if you want to know the answer of the question what are steroids? The answer to the question what are steroids is often searched by a large number of people who really want to know what are steroids?
You people often search for what are steroids to know what exactly steroids are. Actually, the recent controversies and side effects associated with steroids have really compelled you to look for the answer of what are steroids?
You can find a number of sites offering you satisfactory answer of the question what are steroids, but there are a few reliable sites, such as,,, etc. that can provide you the most elaborated and reliable answer of what are steroids.
If you are looking for the information about what are steroids, here is a brief info for you. The synthetic hormones derived from testosterone, the male sex hormone responsible for growth and maturity are known as steroids. These steroids have a number of anabolic and androgenic properties, thus these synthetic drugs are often called anabolic steroids.
In medical arenas, Anabolic steroids are often used to treat the...