Pets are truly amazing. Not just for the reasons they make us feel as we adopt them and make us part of our families, but for so many reasons we arent really even aware of. These loveable animals we think we know, just how well do we really know them?
Take for example the cat. This household pet is one of the most common pets which everyone thinks they understand. Ask anyone what they consider a strange or exotic pet and I dont think anyone would say the cat. Yet there is so much unknown about this very common pet.
In fact there are also some things which people think they know which just isnt true. For example; catgut. Catgut used to be used for strings on a tennis racket and in musical instruments. But these actually did not come from a cat at all. Catgut originated from pigs, horses, and sheep. I bet your cat will sleep better tonight knowing that piece of information!
The cat also for some reason has gotten the reputation for being independent and quite finicky. And with that reputation would you be surprised to find out that the average cat actually consumes around 128,000 calories a year. That is over 28 times its own body weight! Not only that, they...