Have a Mailing List of Your Own
No matter what type of email you send out, youll need a mailing list. The basic way to build a mailing list is by capturing name and email address information for everyone who buys or shows interest in your product. This can be accomplished by using a list manager on your site. List managers also provide the HTML coding for the form on the Gateway pages. A list manager collects the email addresses that are gathered with the form. Thus, your email list is collected. This might take some time so there are methods to use until you get your own email list built.
Three ways to build a list
1. One way to build a mailing list is to do ad swaps with other list owners. The way this works is, you (as company A) have an email list that you send newsletters to and another list owner (company B) has a list they send newsletters to. Company A and Company B place ads on one anothers mailing lists. Each of you is promoting the others list.
2. You can rent or buy targeted email lists. The list you develop using your own customers names is called your house list. Of course, when youre first starting out, your house list is likely to be...