Popular culture enjoys different scenarios of the Armageddon catastrophe and there are many movies, songs and books written on the subject. People just love to speculate about how the world will end. Throughout the ages and even today there are all kinds of theories as to when it will happen.
The bible has been subjected to many different interpretations in this regard. More so than any other issue, the end of times greatly disputed even within the same denominations.
In Matthew chapter 25 Christ says that no one knows the hour or the day but the Father. While most still keep predicting in light of this verse all attempts to pinpoint the exact time and place are futile.
There are many theories of global holocaust and many interesting ones claiming that this Armageddon will originate in the Middle East.
It’s worrying but the current political climate in the Middle East does look like it could escalate into something far worse in the future.
But is there any evidence that the Bible has predicted this chain of events?
The New Testament mentions Armageddon in Revelation 16:16. It is the final battle between the Antichrist and...