If you are planning to down Chitoson in a bid to lose weight fast, read on first! You may be wasting your heard earned cash on a diet pill that does not deliver as it should. We do our best to provide accurate and unbiased information and reviews on bodybuilding and weight loss supplements, which we hope will be useful to you. Chitosan is basically a fiber derived from shellfish and it claims to have the ability to dissolve and grab hold of fats and cholesterol in the stomach.
You may have seen some outrageous claims that you can eat whatever you want, and Chitosan will block out all the fat from the media. Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? You’re right, it is not all that true. Chitosan is extracted from the shell of crustaceans like shrimp and crab. Contrary to what you might think, Chitosan has been used for over 30 years. It is not some new, revolutionary discovery, or new weigh loss miracle pill. So do not get fooled by the media hype. Note: you shouldn’t take Chitosan if you have any type of shellfish allergies.
Chitosan makes grand promises of ‘absorbing’ fat and preventing it from getting into your body. Is it the...