If you read back through older information on search engine optimization (SEO), such as information from 4-5 years ago, you will likely notice that keyword density played a crucial role in how a page ranked in the search engines. In case you are unfamiliar with the term, “keyword density” refers to the ratio of your target keywords to the rest of the words on a webpage. For example, a keyword density of 5% meant that 5% of all the words on a given page were your target keywords for that page.
Webmasters and SEO’s (myself included) would spend a great deal of time analyzing pages trying to determine the perfect keyword density that would send our pages to the top of the search engines. Each engine had their “sweet spot” when it came to keyword density. If you could find that sweet spot, you were golden.
Unfortunately, those days are gone. So much of a pages ranking today is determined by FAR more than keyword density. Factors such as link popularity, link reputation, LSI (latent semantic indexing), supporting phrases, etc. all player a role in one way or another and to one extent or another in the ranking of a page. There are so many...