“Does Menopause last long?” is often a question women ask their doctors. Women who are looking for menopause relief are always waiting for the end to come near. For many women, menopausal symptoms cause pain and are very uncomfortable, so they are looking for the end from the moment perimenopause begins.
How Long Does Normal Menopause Last?
For most women, they can expect all the stages of menopause to last between four and five years. From the first early symptom or sign to the last, hot flashes can actually range from one year to eight years. This is not much relief for women who have been suffering for several years already.
Premenopausal woman may already be experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause and wondering when it will all be over. Unfortunately, there is no specific time frame for menopause. Some people believe that women who have had heavy periods will have longer menopauses than people who have had lighter periods. Others believe that the earlier menopause or perimenopause sets in, the longer it is going to last.
The Average Length of Time
There is no strong evidence to support any predictors for the...