Does Moon Really Influences Hair Growth? Truth Behind the Superstition
Once I was surfing through the web and found a very interesting article about all popular superstitions that deal with hair. One of them especially sparked my interest. The author said that, despite of common belief, in no way possible can moon influence hair growth, because it simply cannot be, and that all this is grannys tales.
Well, of course, many of the scientists may lead you into long and dull calculations about how this influences that, and whether this influence is generally possible. But lets look closer at this concept.
When I was at the high school, my teacher of physics showed us simple formula how one physical body influences other physical body. Of course, she was speaking about the planets and really huge bodies. But I can give you three reasons why this law is true for all existing physical bodies, no matter how small, tiny, or minuscule they are.
Reason #1: Everything in the World Is Interconnected
General science speaks that every part of the Universe is guided by some laws of existence, and that world is divided into parts that we see and that we cant...