The Sedona method claims it is a really simple way to help you to improve your life. But does the Sedona method really work?
Well, as with everything else in life, the answer is yes and no. If you let the Sedona method work for you, the answer is a resounding “Yes”. If you fight against it and refuse to do the very simple exercises involved, then the answer won’t be as positive.
But then, what would be the point in going as far as purchasing the Sedona method and then fighting it? That would be daft.
Especially when it’s so simple.
If you can ask yourself three simple questions, then you can carry out the process involved in the Sedona method.
You can ask the questions out loud (providing no-one nearby will think you’re just going crazy) or in your head.
First, you should identify the feeling that you most want to deal with. It could be anything. I’d suggest starting with something small first, such as that annoying advert you’ve just watched.
Then just ask yourself the three simple questions identified in the Sedona method.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. If you...