Does Your Student Eat A Hot School Lunch Or Cold Junk?
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 mandates that high schools have a local wellness policy and program in place by July 1, 2006, to promote more healthful food choices by students.
However, a recent study of 271 public high schools by Penn State researchers, published in the February issue of the “Journal of the American Dietetic Association,” names three reasons why some high school wellness programs already in place, aren’t working.
The study says:
1. 25% of the wellness program directors report that lunch periods are scheduled before 10:30 a.m. Early lunch periods produce higher a la carte sales.
2. A la carte sales generate almost $700 per day per school among schools surveyed, with $450 of that income coming from a la carte items that do not meet federal school meal requirements.
3. The existence of soft drink machines owned by soft drink companies correlated with a higher number of vending machines per student. The study showed that more vending machines reduced participation in the school hot lunch program.
75% of sodas and 85%...