For your weight loss plan to be a weight loss success, its absolutely critical that you understand the difference between weight loss fad diets and safe, effective weight loss routines that produce long-lasting weight loss results.
There are all sorts of weight loss programs out there that can help you lose weight (not necessarily fat), but they are so miserable that it’s impossible to stay on them very long – even more difficult is keeping the weight loss results you achieved.
The four characteristics for successful weight loss are:
1. The weight loss plan must avoid cravings
2. The weight loss plan must avoid hunger
3. The weight loss plan must include increasing your activity level
4. It must be a weight loss plan you can live with for a lifetime
What are cravings? A craving is when your body pushes you to want a particular food ingredient. This can occur even when you are not hungry. When you finally give in and get the food, you almost always binge, that is, eat more than you would have if you did not have the cravings in the first place. For the most part, you body is probably asking for water, but out of bad habit...