Compared to the early releases, new video games have improved in terms of plot and character development. The psychology and personalities of the characters hero, villain, and recurring figure alike are now just as important as how the game plays.
However, like in the early days of comic books before Stan Lee’s Spider-Man, video game characters tend to be flat caricatures of real people, with flaws like social anxiety, fragile mental health, and depression being traits reserved for antagonists. Yet, even in such a climate, there are still maverick character designers who have made heroes that are difficult to fit into the traditional definition of the hero role. Among the best examples of such games is Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid series.
Being a game that both embraces the psychology of war and carries a strong pacifist undercurrent, there is a complexity in the cast of characters that is necessary. To an extent, all of the characters have some form of mental health disorder, which is appropriate for a game that relies heavily on the personalities of its characters. While some might initially see them as extreme responses to their situations,...