Dogs That Refuse to Eat – What Causes This and How Can it Be Resolved?
When a pet dog refuses to eat, the problem is either physical or psychological. When a pet dog refuses to eat, his owner pleads with him and tries to tempt him with food fed by hand. If the dog is sufficiently neglected and bored he may try this to get attention. An intelligent owner will counter this common canine play by giving his dog companionship by playing with him and taking him for a daily walk.
How can you handle the problem of a dog that refuses to eat not because he is neglected, but spoiled? Simply remove his food bowl after half an hour, and present it again only at the next meal time. Spoiled dogs are often obese too, so it will do no harm to skip one meal. Please do not serve him the same food, as it may be spoiled. It never occurs to some owners that their dog’s lack of appetite may be caused from unappetizing meals or just a dirty bowl.
Food that is unfit for humans is unfit for your dog too. Dogs also eye with suspicion any new food and they have marked individual preferences for meals that are dry or moist, finely chopped, or chunky. You can add taste...