Domain registration and domain name renewals s can be loaded with problems if you are not careful in selecting your registrar and fully understanding the terms and conditions associated with renewing domain names.
As a general rule, when renewing domain names – don’t leave it to the last minute! Domain name renewal should occur at least 2 months ahead of expiration. Your domain name registration period will continue to run from the expiration date so you don’t lose by earlier domain renewals.
If you can, renew for 2 or more years at a time – this will reduce the frequency of the hassle of renewing your domain name. On the other hand; you could forget all about the registration and the domain name expires anyway!
If you have multiple domains, create a spreadsheet or database – or simply a word document with your domain details and domain name renewal schedule so you always can keep track of domain expirations.
Watch who you do business with. There are some shady characters out there who may either not deliver a service or will try to acquire value domains, and they’ll be happy to take your money to boot.