Probably you have heard some facts about the domain name Whois search and query. Well, the domain name Whois search and query are just some of the common terms that the world of domain name carries. So for those who are not really familiar with these two terms, the domain name Whois search and the domain name Whois query, here are some facts for you.
In particular, the term Whois actually stands for a database of registration information for domain names. It is essentially a tool that is commonly applied to search information for a domain name.
Now that you have an idea about the term Whois, the next thing to consider is the nature of the domain name Whois search, and then the domain name Whois query. So according to some resources, the domain name Whois search is typically a means to search for domain name contact information. Speaking of the domain name contact information, it is interesting to know that the contact information may vary depending on the domain name registrar and the top level domains such as .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, and .uk.
Generally, the domain name contact information for the domain name holder and the administrator will be...