How important is domain registration and hosting to your website? As I have looked into the creation of websites, both for myself or for a business, it has become crystal clear that one of the most important steps in the process is the domain registration and hosting. I was always taught to take things one step at a time, and without those first two steps in the process, your website will be marginal at best.
Good domain registration and hosting is going to cost you money, but it is worth it. When you go with a free domain or hosting service, you do not end up with your own domain name. The idea is to have the address of your website in the format of or rather than one that is generic to a free domain registration and hosting service.
The first step in domain registration and hosting is to choose a domain name. Your domain name is that web address that you want. The registration should not cost more than five to ten dollars for a year. Just get on line and check out the various services to find the price you can afford to get the domain name you want, as long as it is available. Remember, the choice of what domain...