Having your website ranked at number one on Google and the other big search engines would be a dream come true. Fortunately, it really is obtainable if you are simply willing to do a little bit of work. One way that is quick and easy and works wonders is to write domain reviews. The reason this is the case is because with domain reviews, you not only provide information about different domains but you also receive two coveted backlinks with each submission. This is very important, perhaps the most important part, because backlinks work wonders when it comes to search engine page rank (SERP).
Increase Your Sites Ranking
Backlinks are very important and they help increase your sites ranking. However, you may be wondering exactly what a backlink is. Basically, a backlink is when a link to your website appears on another site. This shows that other sites are confident in your site and are willing to link to you. The more backlinks that show up on the web the higher your website will be ranked in the search engines. As a result, you can see that backlinks are very important. The way backlinks and domain reviews are related is that for every domain review submitted...